Top 10 Keto Diet Myths and Facts

Top 10 Keto Diet Myths and Facts

Keto diet has been touted as the most effective weight loss plan for those desperate to lose weight in a short time. At the same time, this diet also seems to have critics who argue that it is not a healthy option. It is important to dispel these myths to understand that this high-fat, low-carb diet can work without causing any harm to your body. Read on to know some of the keto diet myths vs. facts.

  1. Critics of the keto diet argue that this weight-loss plan can drive your body into ketoacidosis. Ketosis is natural when you start the keto diet, and this refers to a metabolic stage when the body begins to use fat for energy instead of carbs. Body fats are broken down into ketone, but this does not cause diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening complication.
  2. There is a common belief that one can start and stop the keto diet as and when one pleases. The truth is that seesawing on this diet can be dangerous because one can regain the weight lost. Most fitness enthusiasts do not realize that they cannot start and stop a keto diet on a whim.
  3. It is believed that the keto diet plan is protein-rich. In reality, it is not like the Atkins diet, even though it focuses on eating fewer carbs. Keto does not encourage eating a lot of proteins because excess protein is turned into glucose. This elevates blood sugar levels and takes the body out of ketosis.
  4. Another common myth regarding the keto diet is that everyone has the same carb requirements. If you opt for the keto diet, it is best to consult a dietician to assess your nutritional needs. Moreover, for some people to lose weight, it is not imperative to choose this diet plan. For instance, people with genetic problems are unable to break down fat for energy, and will not benefit from this diet.
  5. It is a myth that eating fruits or vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates can be harmful if you are following a keto diet. The truth is that you cannot eliminate fruits and veggies from the diet simply because they are rich in carbs. Unprocessed foods are needed as sources of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Without fiber, you may not be able to avoid constipation, which is common in a keto diet.
  6. Although the keto diet is very popular, it is definitely not the only diet that is guaranteed to help weight loss. Similarly, just because someone you know lost weight through keto does not mean you will be equally benefited. There are many effective diet plans out there, and it is best to choose the one that you can sustain for the long-term.
  7. Another common keto diet myth is that the low-carb intake will starve the body, and the central nervous system functioning gets affected because of the lack of glucose. While it is true that carbs are the primary energy sources, the body will break down fats to convert them into ketone bodies for energy. So, fats are used instead of getting stored.